grandmas get going!!!

All about life as a grandma, still trying to earn a living in the 21st century.

Thursday, July 20, 2006



Whats that?

Grandmas when they got to their late fifties, used to relax, knit crochet or sew, read magazines, do some baking now and then - gardening even sometimes - at least my grandma did.

When we bought her first television, at about that age, she used to sit and watch that instead of just listening to the radio and twiddling her thumbs - Mind you day time tv was virtually non-existant then. She would come to sunday lunch without fail every week, and then snooze in the chair till it was time to take her home.

Dont get me wrong, I am not criticizing her. Her life was physically harder than mine with only cold water, no inside bathroom, no washing machine or refrigerator, dishwasher or tumble drier.

BUT when she reached her late fifties, there were no expectations of her except to just be grandma. I think she occasionally took me out for a walk in my pram or babysat but was not involved in our everyday life otherwise.

IN CONTRAST, I am divorced, running my own home, being a full time carer to my 18 month old grandson (doing it with joy), running my own business from home AND learning new computer skills by the day, being secretary to my local theosophical group, doing gardening, etc etc.

Other grandmas of this age are now expected to keep up to date with fashion, go to the gym, watch what they eat, and be fully fledged active members of society - busier or at least as busy as when they were at work.

Would I change it??


I feel mentally alert and stimulated, emotionally fulfilled and pleased I am still useful and needed.
My home business helps people save money on their Phones/ Internet/ Gas and Electricity bills, either at home or in their business. I enjoy helping people and have met some amazing characters both as customers and those in the same company as me. I am enjoying building a residual income which will continue to grow even if I stop work, and I would urge other grandmas to have a serious look at this ethical established UK business.

Roll on my sixties!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to hear from other grandmas still trying to earn a living.

And anyone wanting to know more about my home based business or would like me to save them money on their household bills, please email me or post a comment, and I will get back to you.


  • At 4:51 PM, Blogger Angela said…

    Hi there!

    Congrats on making your blog, it's addicting and lots o fun ;). Good job on your first post too, I'm not a grandma but I do see what you're saying :)


  • At 1:18 AM, Blogger chris said…

    Thankyou angela for being my first visitor.

    I read your blog in return and I wish you every success with your candle business.
    I am sure working from home is going to be more and more popular.
    We live in an age of many choices.
    Referring back to my grandma.
    She had to go to school in the morning at 13 and work in the mill in the afternoon.

    No choice at all.

    I am trying to express gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life as suggested in "The secret" and having choices is something I am very grateful for.


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